How What You Eat Affects Your Sleep

lady eating healthy meal

Discover the connection between diet and sleep quality. Learn the importance of what you put in your body and its effect on sleep. Sleep quality depends on more factors than the number of hours we actually get while sleeping. Eating habits are extremely crucial in determining the quality of sleep. Discover the correlation between what…

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When to Worry About a Headache 

Lady with serious headache

Know when it is time to go to the emergency room for a headache.   Almost everyone has experienced a headache in their lifetime, and most of us have had them many times before. Usually, a headache is no cause for major concern and will subside after taking over-the-counter painkillers, eating some food, or drinking water,…

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The 6 Germiest Items You Touch Daily

Man blowing his nose on the phone

Discover the six dirtiest things covered in germs that you encounter daily. When you think of some of the dirtiest things you touch on a daily basis, your mind may jump to the toilet or trashcan. But to many people’s surprise, there are many things considered filthier. Discover some of the germiest items you may…

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Is my wound infected or not infected?

Man's wound treated by physicians

Learn the signs of an infected wound and when it is time to visit your local ER. Our bodies are marvelous wonders of the world. As soon as we are injured, the body starts to heal itself within minutes. However, sometimes the healing process does not work expectedly – leaving us to wonder, is my…

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4 Most Common Food Allergies 

allergic to peanuts

Discover the most common food allergies and what to do if you or a loved one has an allergic reaction Did you know that food allergies are not just diagnosed in childhood, and you can develop a food allergy at any age, even to food you have eaten before? Well, it is true, and food…

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Year-Round Breast Cancer Prevention

Woman performs self-breast exam

Breast cancer prevention is relevant beyond the month of October. Discover year-round prevention tips! As we enter Breast Cancer Awareness Month, we can expect to see prevention tips and statistics around breast cancer widely shared to help raise awareness on the impact of breast cancer and the importance of breast screenings. However, there are steps…

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On-The-Go Safety and Health Essentials

Packing for holiday trip

Discover on-the-go safety and health essentials to pack for travel this holiday season.  The holiday season typically means a lot of traveling, whether it’s a long drive to your relative’s home or a flight to celebrate in another part of the world. With all these plans for being on-the-go, there are precautions to keep you…

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What Do Food Labels Really Mean

Looking at Food Labels

Food labels can be tricky. Here is a quick guide to understanding the most common labels and what they really mean. A simple trip to the grocery store can become confusing when you go in for one item and realize there are three options, all labeled differently. What do the labels mean? What food item…

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