4 Heart Disease Risk Factors You Can Control for a Healthier Heart

Doctor and patient discuss heart health.

While some medical conditions are influenced by factors beyond our control, such as genetics, heart disease is different. There are many common risk factors for heart disease that you can control and significantly reduce your risk by making certain lifestyle choices. The Reality of Heart Disease Cardiovascular disease, which includes heart attacks, strokes, and other…

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Children’s Heart Health

Little girl reading EKG

Protect The Heart of The Little Ones You Love It is common for parents to be concerned about the overall health of their children, however, sometimes, things we deem as adult-only health issues may be looked over. Heart disease is not only prevalent in adults, but children may also be at risk for several heart-related…

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Is it a Stroke or a Heart Attack?

Man having heart attack

Learn the different signs and treatments for a stroke and heart attack! Both a stroke and a heart attack occur suddenly and affect the blood flow process in the body. However, other than the two medical conditions needing immediate emergency care to reduce the potential damage to major organs, a stroke and heart attack are…

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Tips to Keep Your Heart Healthy in the Month of Love

EKG Screen

Learn the essentials to ensure one of the most vital organs in the body, the heart, remains healthy. It is only fitting that February is noted as American Heart Month and the Month of Love – the month symbolized by a heart, where Valentine’s Day is celebrated, and we take time to remember and emphasize…

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