Is it a Stroke or a Heart Attack?
Learn the different signs and treatments for a stroke and heart attack!
Both a stroke and a heart attack occur suddenly and affect the blood flow process in the body. However, other than the two medical conditions needing immediate emergency care to reduce the potential damage to major organs, a stroke and heart attack are two very different medical conditions.
What is a Stroke?
A stroke occurs when blood flow to the brain is suddenly interrupted. This is due to a clot or build-up in the arteries or the rupture or leak of a blood vessel.
Symptoms of a Stroke
- Numbness in the face or limbs, especially on one side of the body
- Difficulty speaking or understanding others
- Blurred or disrupted vision
- Dizziness
- Severe Headache
Most people use the F.A.S.T. warning signs to quickly spot a stroke.
- Face dropping on one side
- Arm weakness on one side
- Speech difficulty making it hard to understand
- Time to call 911 because any signs of a stroke need immediate medical attention
Treatment for a Stroke
When someone is having a stroke, every second counts to reduce the chances of brain damage. If caught in time, the most common treatment is to initiate medication to dissolve the clot or go in and take out the clot. If a vessel is damaged, surgery may be necessary to repair it.
At East Valley ER & Hospital, we understand the importance of timeliness when caring for a patient experiencing a stroke; every second counts. Our team of physicians offer accurate and rapid diagnosing and treatments to stabilize and alleviate symptoms.
What is a Heart Attack?
A heart attack occurs when blood flow to the heart is suddenly blocked or severely restricted. The main cause of a heart attack is a blood clot or plaque buildup in the coronary artery, or the arteries that supplies blood to the heart.
Symptoms of a Heart Attack
- Chest discomfort on the left side or center of the chest
- Radiating pain in chest, shoulder, and arms
- Pain in jaw, neck and back
- Pressure in the chest
- Shortness of breath
- Lightheadedness
Treatment for a Heart Attack
Unless it is a mild heart attack, treatment usually consists of surgery where the blood vessels or arteries are manipulated to correct the blood flow process in the body. Also, most of the time patients are advised to take cardiac rehabilitation, where they participate in monitored exercise sessions and are educated about diet and lifestyle for better heart health.
Timeliness and accuracy in care for patients experiencing a heart attack can be a matter of life or death. At East Valley ER & Hospital, our team of physicians offer 24/7 advanced care in diagnosing and treating patients suffering from a heart attack.
Prevent a Stroke or Heart Attack
The same strategies are recommended in the prevention of both illnesses–stroke and heart attack, including:
- Healthy cholesterol and blood pressure levels
- No smoking
- Maintaining a healthy weight and diet
- Limit alcohol intake
- Monitor blood sugar
- Incorporate daily exercise
East Valley ER & Hospital is here to protect your heart, brain, and health. We are open 24/7 to provide all in the community with the best, compassionate emergency medical care. From strokes to heart attacks, our expert physicians are here to have you feeling better quickly–no matter the illness or injury.
Disclaimer: As a service to our readers, East Valley ER & Hospital and Nutex Health state no content on this site, regardless of date, should ever be used as a substitute for direct medical advice from your doctor or other qualified clinician.